Total Medals Earned: 665 (From 93 different games.) Total Medal Score: 9,470 Points
Medals Earned: 3/5 (40/190 points)
Complete level 2
complete level 6
complete level 10
complete level 16
complete the game
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/310 points)
Complete THE HOUSE
Complete THE PIT
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Complete any level without firing your gun
Survive for 10 minutes in endless mode
Accumulate 1000 total kills
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
You have viewed the collab!
Medals Earned: 2/3 (10/35 points)
Your left hand has been amputated, you take it as a keepsake.
Your right hand has been amputated, you take it as a keepsake.
Once your fingers have been cut off so neatly that you have decided to keep them.
Medals Earned: 5/8 (100/300 points)
Scare all the people out of the house
Reach maximum atmosphere
Cause 10 suicides
Freak out 5 people at once
Possess every item
All lights swinging at once
Use every possessable ability
Medals Earned: 3/8 (20/280 points)
Beat the first level.
Beat Broyon, the first boss in this game.
Beat Hell Fighter, the second boss.
Beat level 25.
Get 100 Hit Points.
Get 200 max stamina.
Do 15 combo.
Medals Earned: 7/7 (205/205 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 20
Complete level 30
Complete level 40
Complete level 50
Complete level 60
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
Find an empty stall
Medals Earned: 3/6 (25/200 points)
Get the first power up in the game
Finish the challenge room
Finish the demo by exiting through the portal
Explore all 26 rooms in the demo
Collect all 18 coins in the demo
Finish the demo without dying
Medals Earned: 21/62 (105/485 points)
Win game with 15 points or more
find the Scream in hell
Find "The son of man" in hell
Find "Corn Poppy" in Hell
Find "Discobolus in hell"
Find "The Girl with the pearl earing" in hell
Find Mona Lisa in Hell
Find "Henri VIII" in hell
Save 7 paintings souls from hell
find all stars to get it
Win Game with at least 25 points
Win 11 points on Round Extra
Win main game with 33 points